The advice of the balabwo is essential to ensure that the correct procedures are followed. Dongoyaro is Hausa and not Igbo, it means tall child,ASHWAGANDHA is of Indian origin. Cayenne - Bawa. Hello, Sesan and thank you for the interest. Their spreading branches form rounded crowns as much as 20 m across. This plant its good for eyes problems and stomachache. Plz What is the English name for Ewe Ato (yoruba name). It is called Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba. Acacia ataxacantha Ihun, Ewon adele Pls post yours. What is the scientific name of ewe tebaje. Please what do yoruba called comfrey(knite-bone)Or what it called in any nigeria language.I can even pay for it. Find names, words, proverbs, jokes, slangs in Nigerian languages, and their meaning. The tree is said to prevent any undergrowth forming beneath it although some species are immune to the effect. Stevia leave (SweetLeaf Stevia)Scientific name: Stevia rebaudiana Genus Neem powder is an herbal green powder made by crushing the sun-dried leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Make some neem leaves . obi gbogbo nse. Please what is the yoruba name for the following herbs: Wild Yam Root, Dong Quai Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Maca Root, Black Cohosh Root. Thanks. Tumeric - ata Ile pupa in Yoruba. Garlic is ajo, lettuce is letusi, olives are olifu. Hello! What is the English name? Well-done. The leaves of the tree are beneficial in vision disorders, skin ulcers, leprosy, intestinal worms, stomach upset, skin wounds, bloody nose, loss of appetite, heart ailments, blood vessel impairments, head lice, fever, gingivitis, liver ailments, and diabetes. Hello, Wura. In 1930, Kennedy obtained seed of the tree which he sowed in the nursery. Syzygium aromaticum or Clove is konofuru. Gathering all the plant local names you know and calling them yoruba is just lazy on your part. Please i want to know the Yoruba name for Muira Puama Pumpkin in yoruba is ponkin, beans are ewa and tomatoes are tomati. The balabwo recommended that the patient take specific steps to cure the illness. Pls I need the botanical names of these plants; Oloje funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro. Dindinrin n din robo! the plants are majorly tropical and non-tropicals. Burkill writes, A tree with such remarkable properties is free from danger of felling; no one would dare to cut it, nor even touch it It is considered so malign that the Liberian Government at one time forbad possession or sale of the bark Medicine-men devised means to propitiate the spirit of the tree with suitable gifts to enable them to remove bark without risk of fateful penalty A pieces of bark placed in a house is held to drive out spirits and robbers and in this modern age a pieces of bark carried on ones person is protection against car accident. Then pound the two together and mix with any . Green tea It really helps JC thanks,still need the Yoruba name for fennel seed and red clover. SOME PEAOPLE SAYS YORUBA NAME FOR PARSLEY LEAVE IS EWE SEPELEBA, IS IT TRUE? within a culture that believed in an afterlife following death. Please can you help me with the yoruba name of fennel seeds,blessed thistle root,fenugreek seeds,saw palmetto please reply me. Please is there any cure herpes? Hello, Raji. Toggle navigation. thanks. I have learned so much from this site pls am a natural skin care expert and iIneed yoruba name for for licorice extract, thank sooooo very much, Please what is the Yoruba name for licorice powder? Is Agba herb seed available in Nigeria ?? Youre a live saver, your information. I noticed however that twice the name of Bay leaf in Yoruba was asked but you dud not respond. Thorny pigweed / prickly amaranth is tete eleegun in yoruba. Jorjette.. Igi nla / OKOUKOBAKA aubrevielleui is also called Igi ASE., and you can order it from the Homeopathic section of your Pharmacy as a TINCTURE. You refer to the plant known as Croton Zambesicus or to Phyllanthus? Neem trees are attractive broad-leaved evergreens that can grow up to 30 m tall and 2.5 m in girth. PLANTS,SEEDS, herbs,BOTANICS should not be misused.. Igbo - Nchanwu. Celery is a vegetable that is not originary from Africa. The Nigeria Field published an article on the tree in 1963 (Okoubaka- a rare juju tree, vol,28, pp. Hello Jorjette C, your answers are highly invaluable. Neem has many incredible medicinal benefits, but one of the most important things is that it . The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Thank you so much for a very commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants. 6. Cmon Shani, if you know so much where is your contribution. For example, it is often important to make an extra sacrifice to Eshu Elegba when sacrificing to another god, in recognition of the fact that Eshu Elegba is the messenger and mediator between the Yoruba and the gods, and also to prevent him from becoming jealous which would create further problems for the patient. this is a wonderful research work. But it is important to note the side effects of neem that come with its excessive consumption. These powerful compounds are known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Ginseng Hello, Esther. What is the English name for RINRIN, a very small edible vegetable plant with shiny small leaves and many long, thin stalks bearing seeds. bugleweed Yoruba - Pia. Ginger or Zingiber officinale is Jinja, Atale in yoruba. An Image of a blooming Neem tree. Please what is the Yoruba name for Tnx fr help us out, pls wat is the yoruba name fr Black Cohosh? please what is the yoruba name for acacia plant. One such plant is the neem leaf, which is a type of medicinal herb commonly used in Ayurvedic and traditional medicine. Pls what is saw palmetto in yoruba language. Thanks for all this wonderful information, more greater achievement. In Nigeria, the scent leaf is common among the different tribes in the country. Pls keep it up, its so educative. Onion is alubsa, peppers are ata, potatoes are anamo. This is highly commendable, thank you for putting all these together. Thank You. The leaves, stem, roots, and even seeds of these plants have various culinary and medicinal benefits. Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba. alfalfa Please does anyone know the Yoruba name for this leaf 1. Carrots are karots, corn is oka/agbado, cucumbers are kokunba. To Aderemi. i really commend your effort. neem leaf in yoruba. Moreso, what is the food diet and natural ways/herbs to go when you notice you are going pot-belly? Please what is the Yoruba name for witch hazel. Thanks. Kindly help me out with the botanical as well as English name for orupa (not oruwo). What is Yoruba name for WORMWOOD and its uses ? pls what is the English name for Ewe abeyin so. please what is the English name of egusi asala. Please where are you from, 2. are you getting this things by inspirations? Thanks for the information. Hello! Thank you very Much and God bless you real good. 1. The Italian and his Nigerian partner asserted as a matter of fact that none of the still or video pictures they took of a Baobab tree in a village somewhere in Nasarawa State could be printed or played back when they returned to base. Some herbs in yoruba language. As said earlier, it is a very sacred and beneficial tree regarded to health. Thanks. it is very good for infections and gynaecological related issues. This powder made into a tea really grows on you. Orupa in yoruba language is the plant known as Hymenocardia acida. Indian almond leaves and and stem bark will boost your immune system. 1: cistanche Grape is girepu, pear is pa, avocados are afokado, banana is gd ww? Thank you so much. Does fenugreek increase oestrogen or testosterone? Which also means they are pretty safe. Your email address will not be published. diemza, You now following Strain and let it cold. please what is castor seed called in Yoruba. thank you so much. Thanks for also contributing to this mistake.In Ghana too they make the same mistakes.likewise HYSSOP and PURSLANE.In most African countries they used purslane as Hyssop. We still need more. They thought it was a cameramans error and returned to Nasarawa State to take more pictures but the villagers hinted that the earlier fate would befall the new set of pictures unless sacrifices were made to the tree! The case was treated as an emergency case by applying herbal remedies such as ointment prepared with palm tree. Echinacea might be agumo or asofeyeje in Yoruba. Food baskets are often lined with Neem leaves in India to repel hungry pests. WHAT IS YORUBA NAME FOR MINT LEAVE AND PARSLEY. Thank you very much for your help. 5. Sage -Salvia officinalis Kiriwi,Babaluaye, Obatala. I rely like this site but what am looking for I have not find it and if u can reply me your answer I ll be very happy, wat is Yoruba for ceylon. Thanks so much for the information. Ewe ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, its a shrub. Valerian, Pls what is the Yoruba names of this things listed below Meaning of Neem leaf - Nigerian Dictionary 7.Celery, Thanks for the good work And, please folks, stop referring to this nice lady as sir or Mr. this is stupid of you people. Celery Copyright 2023 by NgEX! Cactus It is an eyesore if Carr is not taken, so shall it be! Skin health: Neem is rich in fatty acids, including oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linoleic acids. black walnut hull Anti-ageing: Neem oil is extremely nourishing and can be added to your face packs. Thanks as I awaits your reply soon. Boil 7 pieces of neem leaves with two glasses of water until it remains 1 glass. what is the Yoruba word for marshmallow roots, please, what is yoruba name for houseleek, Please I need Yoruba name for beet leaf and beet root. How can annovulation (absence of ovulation ) be treated naturally? No fillers, binders or common allergens. Thanking you ii anticipation! Neem : Benefits, Precautions and Dosage | 1mg please what us the english name for ewe rerin komi. Daisy. Rosemary The majority of scientific neem studies was done with neem leaf or neem leaf extracts. Remove the baking soda and use a gently mask made of fresh fruits puree. Yoruba - Osan wewe. i wish to thank the author for this very significant contribution. You should also consider using fertility herbs: Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris), Vitex also known as Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Thanks a million for this highly educative forum. Vitex or chaseberry, Maca, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and Nettles. Do you mean the root of Ipomoea jalapa or Ipomoea purga which is known as High John the Conqueror root or as Mexican jalap root? It is not really indigenous to Nigeria but the islamic name which the hausa people use as well is Habbatu Barakah/ Habbatu Saudah. The leaves can also be used to make a delicious, refreshing tea for digestion and hydration. thank you for these information. Hello, Samson. Yoruba name for cinnamon is igi adi dun or igi agbayun. Hello, Adeola. Pls what is the Yoruba name for Azolla/ mosquito fern?. Before the advent of pharmacological medicines in Nigeria, people used herbal preparation for treating diseases and keeping themselves healthy. Lactuca capensis - Lettuce - Yanrin. Handpicked from Organic Garden. Hello, Jil. bilberry Thanks in advance. Your rich, enlightened and wonderful information on Yoruba herbs is highly applauded. please what is the yoruba name for milk thistle, Your Message*please sir what is the Yoruba name for terrestris tbribulus. I think that pako ata is the Fagara zanthoxyloides, known in English as fagara. Neem Leaf | Nature's Way Cypres iso inu eku amumora ni, Pidgin English neem leaf in yoruba - Octocool Cherry in yoruba is Agbalumo. 70-72) by A.D.K. PLASE I NEED YORUBA NAME OR CORIANDER LEAVE OR CILANTRO LEAVE. Garlic is ajo, lettuce is letusi, olives are olifu. Thanks real big Or Ad a gb yn oooo. Kokofe Common: Botanical: Family Local names Use(s) Part(s) name: name: name: Yoruba Azadirachta indica is a fast-growing tree native to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal.Bitter and astringent, neem leaves have been employed in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda for millennia. Thank you. Gosh!!!!!!????? The yoruba name for sage salvia officinalis is Kiriwi. Yoruba name for cinnamon - Oloorun. Beeswax is Afara Oyin in Yoruba language. please i want to know yoruba name for houseleek, what is the yoruba name for this herbs Thank you so much Sir, please what is the English name of ewe gbegiri and ewe emi yemi? I think thats the best compliment i can offer. It also improves blood circulation and maintains oral hygiene and health. Some of you idiots put up signs like: Vernacular speaking is utterly PROHIBITED in this house! Vernacular? Big thanks to the author. No artificial colours or preservation added. What is Isin (it has a shell) in english called? What is best herbs treatment for epilepsy, .my daughter of 15yrs just started it 7yrs ago. Im so appreciate, what is called fennel seed in Yoruba. Neem based pesticides are suitable for organic farming and for use in developing countries because leaf or seed extracts can easily be prepared without the use of expensive and complicated equipment. i love tha so helpful. The orishas, or gods of the Yoruba, were former ancestors such as Oduduwa, the legendary ancestor of all Yoruba people, and his son Ogun. Herbal medicine is still a popular practice in this modern age. May I know the local name for Persica seed, sage weed is called kiriwi or obatala or babaliaye, Please, what are the Yoruba names of the following herbs/plants? 1.wheatgrass The yoruba name for lemon is san ww and for orange is orombo. Hello, Adeleye. Thank you!! The yoruba name for Aframomum danielli is Atare oboro. Top quality. Hi everyone. 32 ($1.47/Count) $4.67 delivery Mar 3 - 8 . Some of you continue to refer to her as a man. Prepare a chamomile and marigold tea and when it has the right temperature, add a spoon of baking soda. Fenugreek (read your comment that u were not sure,just asking again if you know it now ). As you probably observed, I do not know yoruba language and my answers are based on research, so I answer only what I am able to. Sir, We appreciate your work. I beg u in the name of God,I need yoruba names of the following: Our own Yoruba language in our Yorubaland has now become a vernacular? Neem leaves can be used to heal diabetes. love you. Amarus and wild lets Chamomile :). Can neem, bitter leaves, Tagiri, others prevent, cure COVID-19? It has the effect of calming the patient and engendering a more positive frame of mind. THANKS FOR YOUR WORK. The Yoruba people call Turmeric Ata ile pupa. Infact am highly impressed & inspired about this site. hydroxsitetrametil. Massage and dietary prescription were applied. You can find it now in markets there and what can I say its that yoruba people call it Celerimikunola igbo people call it Celerynkechi and hausa people call it Celeryharam. Pls kindly tell me the yoruba or igbo name for ipomoea jalapa. What is the name of ashwagandha plant in yoruba. pls I need vitex serious and some oda details.08026822539.ur assistance is very necessary. Or maybe you can try some personal development/spiritual seminars. astragalus Irodin A, an active ingredient in the leaves, is toxic to resistant strains of malaria; 100 percent of the malaria gamete are dead within seventy-two hours with a 1 to 20,000 ratio of active ingredients. Hello can you tell me what is the american name for ajeobale? Lying bitches! Thank you. Granted, there are some funny botanical names, which we are not familiar with in Yorubaland, however, some of these were actually taught to us in biology, agric. Your Message* What is The Yoruba Name For Fennel, Pls what is yoruba name for banyan tree, shatavari powder n ashwagandha powder. Please what is cummin in yoruba language and where can it be found, Good job. The balabwo also send the patient to the onishegun to purchase herbal remedies. Fig is opoto, strawberries are sirbri, apple is apus, peach is pii. Good day, Ebunoluwa pls efo yanrin is wild lettuce not dandelion. 9. Pls can u help me with the english names of Alukurogbaja plant , Osomolupa plant and Opipi omi plant, Am so excited to be a life and withness this great adeal that you are given to us may almighty God bless you very much is mr chima friday, I give you 3 Kudos and gbosa for your effort s. Thanking you so much for the research, You are blessed in Jesus. butchers broom Neem is likely native to the Indian subcontinent and to dry areas throughout South Asia. Please what is the English name of these Neem leaf. 1. Please help what is the Yoruba name for fenugreek powder,fennel seed,red clover urgent please. Taking 1 to 2 neem leaves per day or 4 ml of neem juice for about 10 weeks seems to be the safe dosage. Neem Leaves Powder 2250mg with Tulsi, Guduchi ,120 Capsules | Support Immune System, Liver Function | Non-GMO Vegan Gluten Free Fresh Pure Leaf Herbs | Promotes Skin Health, Antioxidants Supplements. The Yoruba parents only speak English to their offspring in Yorubaland. The yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. Neem Leaf has been used in Ayurveda, the ancient art of India, for centuries. Pumpkin in yoruba is ponkin, beans are ewa and tomatoes are tomati? You will also find a section containing common Yoruba herbs for fertility. Thank you. Below are some of the popular Yoruba herbs, their English names, and uses. 10 Wonderful Benefits and Uses of Neem: A Herb That Heals They are generally poorly digested, poorly utilized, and often stale and ineffective. Thanks for your contribution.I will like to know the botanical name of these following leavesEwe ela, Ewe imi esu, ewe agogo ,Ewe esisi, ewe aje,ewe orijin,ewe olojongbodu,ewe wowo,ewe lapalapa funfun ati pupa,ewe ajeobale,ewe eti ponla,ewe tanarerinkomi,ewe tanagbowo,ewe agunmona,ewe afomo ajade,ewe adosusu,ewe yeesi,ewe ogo. It should be noted that the Santeria tradition, which was brought to the Americas by African slaves, is descended from the Yoruba teachings. Neem Benefits and Uses. The tree is also found in Cameroon, with another variety in Congo. neem leaves Its gonna help me find the sage leaf . Pls what is Yoruba name for Embelia fine, known as false black pepper? Skin Toning. It has a wide, spreading canopy and produces small, white flowers. I apreciate you beyond words boundary. a very good job, God bless you real Good. Boil a cup of neem leaves in water till the leaves are soft and discoloured and the water turns green. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2011 - 2023 EgoFelix Magazine. Thanks . Thank u sir. Thanks. Pls, what is the Yoruba name for green tea? you just saved my money and improved my business, Please what is the yoruba name for Red beet, black seed, and propoliss. Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Kudos for the great work and research. Please i need a trutful answer. For genital herpes I recommend baking soda. Neem Leaves : 20 amazing Health benefits of Neem tree - Theayurveda Thank you and you can reach me Thanks. What are the Yoruba names for the following herbs and plants below: What is fennel seed called in yoruba language. Without the Chlorophyll from Plants, there will be NO HEAVEN AND EARTH rejoicing. Hello, Kolawole and welcome here. Copious thanks and more power to your elbow. Uziza is commonly mixed with the neem tree (Dongoyaro in Yoruba . Please what are the yoruba names of Golden seal, phyllantus, echinacea, uchea plant, thanks. Yoruba Medicine History The medical traditions of the Yoruba people of western Nigeria developed within a culture that deeply respects and venerates ancestors. Then do you know yoruba name for HOUSELEEK LEAVES? Thank you so much for this info on Yoruba names of plants, herbs and spices. Share photos and translations, record pronunciations, make friends. Neem Benefits for Skin & Health - Ayurvedic Herb Guides - Banyan Botanicals Hibiscus plant - Zobo.
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